After your vaccination
Most side effects to the Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B and combined Hepatitis AB vaccine are mild and short-lived.
Common side effects may include pain, redness and swelling at the injection site. Fever, tiredness, nausea and muscle aches and pains may also occur. These side effects can start several hours after vaccination and may last one to two days.
For any severe reaction, call an ambulance 000 or go to your closest emergency department.
What to do in the event of side effects?
Paracetamol can be beneficial for mild fever or pain and a cool damp cloth can also reduce pain at the injection site. Contact your Doctor if you have any other concerns.
Health Direct is also available on 1800 022 222 should you need any further advice. For any severe reaction call an ambulance 000 or go to your closest Emergency Department.
Reporting of serious reactions
Any serious adverse reactions to the vaccine should be reported to the WA Vaccine Safety Surveillance (WAVSS). It is important that you contact Work Health Professionals on 9204 1999 if you have any significant adverse events in the few days after your vaccination so that we can file this report.