Onsite audiometric testing

Work Health Professionals provide mine site hearing testing services, including baseline and air conduction audiometric testing, for many mining operations and remote sites around WA.

See more on the new WHS WA regulations for audiometric testing.

As noted in the DMIRS Management of Noise in WA Mining Operations guideline, it is important to “establish a program for workers exposed to noise levels above the action level to have monitoring audiometric tests in accordance with AS/NZS 1269”.

As well as providing mine site hearing testing programs via FIFO services, we also have accredited mobile hearing testing facilities, that provide onsite hearing tests in Perth and around regional WA.

Mine site hearing testing programs

Our WorkSafe Noise Officers and Audiometric Officers can fly to site and conduct onsite hearing tests in your own fixed booth or they can calibrate a quiet room to Australian Standards.

Our Noise Officers can also conduct a Noise Survey or Noise Assessment as required by WorkSafe and DMIRS.

We can provide an online appointment booking system which makes organising your audiometric testing program so much easier!

  • Each worker is only required for approximately 10 mins for an onsite hearing test.
  • They make their own appointment online
  • They receive a reminder email and SMS 24 hours prior to their appointment.
  • We provide you updates on who has booked in and who may need follow-up
  • We also offer a reminder recall system for when subsequent testing is required.

Hearing and lung function testing programs

Whilst onsite, we can also provide lung function testing (spirometry). This is commonly requested for those workers exposed to dusts and as part of Health Surveillance. A typical appointment for a combined hearing test and lung function test takes 20 minutes.

See more on Health surveillance for isocyanate exposure

onsite spirometry; dust risks

Hearing test truck – regional road trips

We conduct regional road trips twice per year to support the Regions in meeting their WorkSafe requirements for Noise Induced Hearing Loss risk management.

  • March/April – Wheatbelt, South West and Great Southern
  • August/September – Pilbara, Gascoyne, Midwest Broome + West Kimberley
hearing test truck pilbara