Audiometric Testing Truck – NW Trip
This August our audiometric testing truck we will be heading North from Perth offering onsite work health services including audiometric testing to meet the new WA WHS regs. This includes the Pilbara, Gascoyne, Mid West and West Kimberley regions (based on demand).
We conduct these regional road trips to give you the most cost effective opportunity to meet your WA Audiometric testing regulations.
Are you up to date with workplace noise and dust obligations?
If you have any WA worksites needing to meet their audiometric testing compliance, or manage risk associated with noise or dust, simply request a quote below and complete all details including number of people for testing at each site.
To be included please get in touch before Friday May 30 2025. Once we receive all EOI’s we will map the road trip and send you a quote with proposed date and time that we will be in your area.
Onsite services available on this trip
To make it easier for you to meet your WorkSafe obligations, we offer the following services at your workplace on our Regional WA road trips:
Health Surveillance (isocyanates)
Lung Function Testing (spirometry)
Feel free to contact us to keep up to date with the changes to audiometric testing requirements in WA.